Worry. The five letter word.

Let’s talk about worry. You know, that pesky little gremlin that likes to sneak in and set up camp in your brain at 2 a.m. It’s a universal experience, right? We’ve all been there, spinning our wheels over something that might happen, could happen, or maybe happened, and now we’re doomed forever. Fun times.

But here’s the thing—worrying is a lot like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, sure, but it doesn’t actually get you anywhere. You can rock all day, back and forth, and still be sitting in the same spot when the sun goes down. Worry is like that. It keeps you busy, but it doesn’t solve a thing.

I’ve had my fair share of moments where worry felt like the only thing I could control. Whether it was leading a team on a mountain with unpredictable weather rolling in, or sitting in the aftermath of something I wish I could’ve changed but couldn’t. Life throws curveballs. Sometimes, they’re fast and messy, and you’re left wondering, “What could I have done differently?”

Here’s the kicker: You can’t control the curveball. You can only control your swing. The way you prepare, the way you react, the way you pick yourself up and step back into the batter’s box—that’s all on you. The rest? It’s out of your hands.

So what do we do? We shift our focus. We put our energy into what we can control: our mindset, our actions, the way we show up for ourselves and others. It’s not about pretending the worry isn’t there—that’s just denial in a Hawaiian shirt. It’s about acknowledging it, then choosing to step off the rocking chair and do something that actually moves the needle.

When I start spiraling into that “what if” zone, I try to remind myself of one simple truth: Today is enough. Right now is enough. I’ll tackle what I can, let the rest be, and trust that I’ve done my best.

So, if you find yourself in that rocking chair, rocking like a pro but going nowhere, take a deep breath. Ask yourself, “What’s one thing I can actually do right now?” Then do it. Step out of the chair and into the moment.

Life’s too short to stay stuck in place. You’ve got mountains to climb, stories to write, and adventures to live. And worry? It’ll always be there, but it doesn’t get to drive the bus.

Photo by Anthony DELANOIX

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